Friday, June 27, 2008


Peace and love in the Giver of life!

Angels Dancing

A successful musician struggled for several years with an addiction of buying/spending. After acquiring help and changing his life through a 12 Step Program, the musician accepted an Interview on Larry King Live, hoping that his story might inspire someone struggling with similar problems.

During the interview a mother watching the show at home found her 4 year old cuddling up into her lap. While the mother was intensely focused on the musician as he told his story, the child announced to her mom: “Mommy, look there are angels dancing all around that man.” The Mom welled up in tears and experienced deep gratitude.

Weeks passed and the woman read about a feature concert performance of that musician at the local civic center. Finding some connection to the musician she decided to buy tickets for her daughter and her to attend.

During intermission at the performance she sent a note backstage expressing a desire to introduce her daughter to the famous singer …saying, “my daughter saw you a few weeks ago on Larry King and said she saw angels all around you.” The singer sent a message to drop by after the show.

While the mom and child made their way to the dressing room of the singer they held hands and remained silent. As they entered the room and upon seeing the singer the child burst out: “Look, Mommy!” “This is the man with all the angels dancing around him!” The began to weep and said to the singer – “this is a miracle.” “What do you mean said the performer?”

The Mom went on to say, “You see, my daughter is autistic.” “In all her life there are only two times I have heard her speak – and this is on of those two times… with the words “Mommy, I see angles dancing around that man.”

Life’s miracles are all around us, but they can only be seen through the eyes of the heart. So this TGIF weekend, live in love and forgiveness and see the angels among us.